Every year, Enbicon host a charity auction where gamers can both clear out some space and pick up some new to them games. We will be doing the auction once again.
The total funds raised for charities is $1998.55, since 2015. And the 2021 auction raised $416.75
This year, the proceeds from our charity auction will go to CARMA Fredericton.
ENBICON Game Auction FAQ
Q. What type of things do you accept?
A. While we accept board games, card games and RPGs, we do not accept games like Monopoly, Risk, Sorry, etc. These are not the types of games people are interested in buying and we only have an hour to sell items. We do not accept single cards or groups of cards for trading card games. For that sort of thing, please see our dear sponsors at Comic Hunter Fredericton!
Q. How is the money split?
- 25% goes to charity and 75% to the seller. The seller may donate more if they desire by making note when they drop off the item..
Q. How do I get an auction item to you?
- For any questions regarding where to leave game auction items please refer to Chris Fougere of ENBICON staff at enbicongames@gmail.com or message via Facebook.
Q. What information do I need to provide?
- Sellers are responsible for putting a tag or sticky note on each item they wish to sell with the following information clearly printed – SELLER NAME, CONTACT INFORMATION, ITEM NAME/TYPE, ITEM MINIMUM BID (5$ lowest). Submissions without this information on them will either NOT be accepted or considered a donation with 50% of the proceeds going to Charity, and the remainder going to Enbicon. If there is no listed minimum bid, then it shall be 5$.
Q. What do I need to do as a seller?
- Sellers must remain present at the auction (or have a proxy arranged with convention staff) to collect any proceeds or unsold items from the auction. We will not be looking for you so please be available near the auction table near the end so we can get your cash or items back to you. The convention staff is not responsible for lost or damaged items.
Please be sure boxes are solid enough to hold together or are bound together in some fashion to prevent loss of pieces etc.
Q. What is the minimum bid?
- Minimum bid, unless the seller states otherwise, is $5. Bid increments must be at least $1.
Q. Do you accept debit?
- All purchases are cash only.
Auction Sold Out 2022
Cat Rescue Maritimes: Fredericton Chapter had this to say regarding our charitable efforts! A big shout-out of thanks to Marie Meade, Vendor and Sponsor Liaison for EnBiCon, a volunteer run table top gaming convention. Thanks to their generosity and the funds they were able to raise during their September 24th game auction, they made a donation of $496.25 to Carma Fredericton. The cats of CARMA say thank mew to everyone who participated and helped make this possible! Pictured (from back left) are Chris, Anita, Brody, Donald, Marie and Gabrielle from Carma.