Feeling Shirty?
Only 2 days left to order your 2024 Enbicon T-shirt. The order is going in August 20th. Shirts up to XL are $18 and shirts 2XL and up are $21.50 Send your payment to fougerec99@hotmail.com https://forms.gle/GEvZGdzkpqaezHw49
Player sign ups / Badges now Available.
Convention Badges and Game Registration are now live! Remember that the prices listed as in USD! Badges cannot be refunded once purchased. Link
Player Registration and Pricing Updates!
Hey folks! Player registration will be going live later today!! Prices this year are the same as last year – our goal is always to keep prices as low as possible and still pay for the convention
The Time Nears!
A few quick updates! 1 – Player Registration will go live in a day or two. Just need to finalize a few things beforehand. 2 – We’re 4 shirts away from the minimum order (!) which we need by August 20th. You can order a shirt at https://forms.gle/4zrewbMfgEgLYk4G7 3 – There’s still time to register […]
Games So Far…
Player sign ups will start soon, and what a list of games we have on the schedule so far, but it’s not too late to add more!
Enbicon Event Submissions
There are already many great games on the schedule, but it’s not too late to sign up and run a game at Enbcion! Sign up here today and join the team!
The Aquinian
We had a reporter, Cesar Camacho write a very nice article about us for STU’s online news outlet, the Aquinian, we might not be able to share it on socials, but we can share it here, have a read! And next year, come to Enbicon and see for yourself!
Enbicon 2023 Huge Success!
Well, maybe not huge, but we’re pretty proud of it. 96 Attendees, happy ones we assume, all the games that were supposed to play got played, and there were a few folks brave enough to try our play to win games as well as some impromptu MTG play over by the Comic Hunter Table most […]
Charity Game Auction
Enbicon Charity Game Auction submission form is now live. Auction will be held Saturday at 7 pm. Direct link is here, also available on the menu above.
Enbicon Banner
Do you worry that you’ll arrive at the venue and not be able to find where the Games are at? Worry no longer, simply look for our shiny new banner to guide your way! Special Thanks to Kiers Marketing https://www.kiers.com/ Ask for Graphic Designer Manuel Peters! Thanks so much for this lovely design!