As we start 2019, Enbicon 2019 is a mere 268 days away!  Hopefully this webpage will be up and running shortly so you can see where we are with planning and what we want to accomplish in the next convention.

2018 saw a record year for the SPCA Auction and no matter what changes Enbicon goes through in terms of location, pricing, staffing, events and so on our intent is to always have the SPCA as our charity.  It is as much a part of the convention as the Grand Melee is and it just wouldn’t be Enbicon with out the auction for the SPCA.

Our dates for 2019 are already penciled in (September 27-29 2019) at the Fredericton Inn.  We think the space worked well in 2018 and are hopeful that we can continue to use the same space each year for a sense of consistency.

Once we have the website up and functional we’ll be starting to reach out to sponsors, including Die Hard Dice and Wormwood from 2018.  We can’t express how awesome it is as organizers to receive support from larger companies like them.

So stay tuned for updates and opportunities as the year goes on and here’s to a successful 2019 convention.

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